Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"At commencement you wear your square-shaped mortarboards. My hope is that from time to time you will let your minds be bold, and wear sombreros."

Congratulations to Cole! He graduated from the University of Arkansas on May 10th, 2008. (I'm a little late posting the blog because I had to get pictures from his family.) His degree is a Bachelor of Art in Journalism with an emphasis in Advertising and Public Relations. He's very interested in Public Relations and is pursuing a job in the Ad Agency world. But, if you catch wind that the Lakers (or Kobe or Bret Favre or Jay Cutler) are needing a PR person - let him know! :-)

It was such a fun weekend - and it was also Mother's Day weekend so we had almost our entire families up here. Cole's family came - complete with him Mom, Diddy, Dad, Grandpa, Nan, Trey, Jen, Bella and Uncle Gary. And, my mom made a visit as well. We had a very good time hosting them and having them here in Fayetteville with us.

Below is a picture of Cole and his Mom and Diddy.

Jen and Cole outside of Bud Walton.

Cole with Trey and Bella - who was on her best behavior!

Cole with his Nan and Uncle Gary.

Cole with Mom and me.

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